
Sunnies Clean Lens Review

Ever since I started wearing glasses, I always wanted to take care of my eyewear fully. I guess it's an investment to take extra care of it knowing that my eyes are already having problems and without my glasses, I will surely not be able to see things clearly.
Having said that, I look for ways on how to clean my glasses in properly. That's when I realize that I need a proper solution to cleanse it for it not to get scratched or foggy in someway.

With that, I searched for solutions that would be a great help for my glasses and that's when I knew about the Sunnies Care Kit. Just so you know, I got my glasses from Sunnies and the frame name is Marcel in Husk. 

Moreover, the Sunnies Care Kit is the set that I'm supposed to buy knowing that it already has the tool for unscrewing the frame and there's a solution and an anti-fog wipe. However, no matter where I look for this care kit, I can't seem to find one that's available: be it online or even in their physical stores. 

Nevertheless, since I only need the solution for cleaning since I have the tool already and the anti-fog wipe, and it's available in Sunnies official store online, I just ordered the Sunnies Clean Lens online. Needless to say, I was ecstatic after it arrived as I was so excited to try it on my glasses for cleaning.

Price: Php 200.00
Place Bought: Sunnies Official Store (online)

This is what the bottle looks like. Actually the bottle is so minimalist and I love it. The color looks pleasant in the eyes as well. I love how Sunnies never give so much details on the packaging, but leaving the text minimal but with class.

"A safe and gentle lens cleaner for eliminating dust, dirt and grime."

Based from my experience, the product is indeed a promising one. It's so gentle on the lens that the coat never gets wiped out and it has a no smell at all. I could say that it indeed eliminates the dust around the lens as well as the foggy areas or the oils that get dumped in someway. So far, I so love this solution so much and that's an honest review as someone who cares for my glasses.

A photo of the glasses with the lens cleaner sprayed around them. (not yet wiped)

But then, I also noticed something or perhaps a recommendation in using this cleaner. As what I've observed, an ordinary wipe cloth will not do so much on the lens, leaving a worst look. So much better use an anti-fog wipe cloth as it helps so much in cleaning the lens so much better. Just so you know, I actually love to look around especially when my lens just got cleaned by the help of this lens solution from Sunnies as well as using the anti-fog wipe cloth. They're just great combination and I can't help but fall inlove.

Above all, Sunnies Clean Lens did its job indeed to eliminated dust, dirt and even grime on the lens. It's also helpful in cleaning my phone's camera lens as well as it's just so gentle and useful in so many ways. I'm just so happy to purchase such product and so far it's so good that I will surely purchase one in the future, once this bottle will be emptied.

Have you tried this Sunnies Clean Lens before? What solution do you use for cleaning your glasses?

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. The views and opinions shared are personal and solely belong to the author.


Sunnies Specs Optical Experience | Steps in Getting Your Next Eyewear

Just this April 2022, I noticed that there's something wrong with my eyes. For instance, whenever I try to look in the view at a distance, I can't seem to see the details around vividly. Not just that, whenever I look at the television, I could see glares on the texts presented and even find the people's faces so blurry. With that, I decided to get my eyes check.

Having said that, I tried looking for an optical clinic which could be a perfect place for my eye needs. The thought that I have in mind is that, if my eyes are already having a problem, I want to wear some glasses that fit so well on my face shape, as well as, fashionable. 

With my thorough research on where to get my eyes checked, I decided to choose Sunnies Specs Optical.

To be honest, I didn't know at first that Sunnies is offering services such as doing eye check up and making prescription glasses. I just knew about it when my cousin got her new glasses in the Sunnies store. Not to mention, as the store captured my heart, I decided to go and get my eye checked.

So we went to Ayala Malls where there's a Sunnies Specs Optical branch. 

Steps in Getting Your Eyewear in Sunnies Specs Optical

I admit, when I first entered in the Sunnies store, I was nervous. The thought that I don't know what to do and I was not aware on the steps how to get my first eyewear scares me a lot. Good thing I was with my friends that time and helped a lot to lessen my nervousness.

Nevertheless, if you wanted to get your eyes check in Sunnies, fret not as I will share the steps towards getting your very own Sunnies specs as well.

1. Choose the frame of the glasses you love.

What I love about Sunnies Specs is that there are a lot of frames to choose from. And they're not just basic frames, they are so stylish and elegant. With that, I was having a hard time looking for one. 

By the way, what I love in Sunnies Specs is that, after you try the frame on your face, they will disinfect them afterwards which is so good.

Marcel in Husk

After looking for that one frame that fits for me, I finally came up with a decision to choose the frame Marcel in Husk variant. I love it so much as it's size is just right for me and the frame design looks stylish.

2. Inform the staff and fill out the information needed.

Once ready for the next step, give the frame to the staff and get check if the frame is available. The staff will then let you to fill up a form in a tablet that the staff will give.

3. Time for eye checkup.

One you're done filling out the form, just wait for the time when the doctor is available and is ready to get your eyes checked.

To be honest, I was nervous during the check up because it's my first time, good thing the doctor is approachable and nice and with that, my nervousness vanishes. 

The doctor showed me a screen wherein I'm wearing a quite weird frame wherein he changes the lens to check if I can handle the grade and so on.

4. Walking around to check if the lens fit so well.

Once the lens fit perfectly on the eyes, the doctor will then instruct you to walk around using the lens that the doctor placed in my eyes. Just so you know, I was so happy knowing that I could see the world around clearly and things are better. 

So here's a weird photo of me walking around the store as I was trying the lens which was placed om my eyes.

5. Pay to the cashier.

I paid a total of Php 3999 for everything. By the way, I added anti-radiation for my glasses that's what the total amount paid.

6. Wait for the message for claiming.

As per instruction, I can roam around the mall freely as it takes around 3 hours for the glasses to be ready. They will just send a message once it's up for grab. 

And here is it:

I was feeling excited and nervous to get my glasses and after I got it, I checked if it fits perfectly on my eyes and it did. 

7. Try the glasses.

So here's a photo of me wearing the glasses Marcel in Husk. By the way, my upper is fine, that's just a design hehe.

Overall, the experience that I had in Sunnies Specs Optical is so good that next time, if I need to get another glasses, I would still grab one in their store. Superb!

Have you tried getting your eyes checked at Sunnies?


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are personal. This is not a sponsored post.