

          This week is such a boom. I can’t find the right words to explain my feeling. It was such a relief knowing that a stressful exam week is finally over. I’m still hangover with those nerve wracking exams, heavy requirements and sleepless nights. Why on earth procrastination does exist? Perhaps moving on with all those things and focusing on the product I’m about to review is the right thing to do right? This post is about a review and not on my experience last week. Oh febe, what are you actually doing? *laughs*

          Hello makeup lovers out there! I’m about to share a review to you today on a makeup tool, makeup blender. It’s the FLAWLESS MAKEUP BLENDER. It’s a product by Polish’d Beauty Supply.  Polish’d is a division of Argento SC by Sicura Incorporated. Later on I will share my insights on this product and my experience in using it.

          Product claims. “With Flawless Makeup Blender get a professional look and finish. Bring style and color with purpose to your makeup bag.”

          The product description is really that catchy since it could really catch the attention of anybody who will read it.

          On the packaging it stated, “The artwork and design of this package are protected by United States copyright law and may not reproduced, distributed, published, or used for any purpose without written permission. You may not alter or remove any trademark or copyright notice from this package.” I don’t have the right to share to you the packaging of this product. So, I will just share to you what the product looks like.

          The makeup blender shape is like a pear. Its color is teal. It’s really so cute plus there are many plus points that this product has. It’s latex free and it’s also hypoallergenic. The product is really so fluffy and it’s really as soft as the cotton. At one glance you could actually inference that it’s really a product for professional use. It’s so elegant in my eyes. It’s really a product with high quality. When you will touch it and try to squeeze it, its really a wow.


          For First Time Use, dip sponge in water then squeeze out excess water. Place sponge inside a towel and squeeze again. Sponge will expand when it absorbs water and finally ready to blend and stipple.

          How to: Use this Flawless Makeup Blender with any makeup like foundation, concealer or blush powder or l liquid form. Apply makeup by stippling the sponge on face. The wide side of the sponge is good for larger areas. The narrow side of the sponge blends details on your nose, eyes, and cheeks.

          Cleaning: Hand wash with gentle soap in warm water. Rinse and air dry well.

          This product really is the best since it stated the do’s in using this product. There are other makeup blenders available in the market today, not to mention, who will not even recognize the consumer on how to use the product, as if the consumer already know the use of it.        This product really values the part of the consumer for them to be able to be aware on how this product works.

          Just a tip if you will use a makeup blender, use it when it’s wet because if you use it dry, it will give you a cakey result and there are many areas which results to problem. It’s really important to wet the blender since by that it will expand to its largest. The magic of this sponge or blender will really happen when you wet it. When you do it, the cosmetic sponge will not suck up the makeup, instead it will run through your face easily, giving you the best results you always wanted.

          Based on my experience, this product really works perfectly on my face. There was this time when I use this makeup blender when I join a party. I follow the steps written on the packaging. During application of the foundation on my face, it blends easily on my face plus it doesn’t give that cakey look, instead it gives the perfect airbrushed look on my face. My friends did appreciate the look I have.


          Flawless Makeup Blender proves that their product description is really true. Their product is high in quality and I can assure that anyone who will buy it will not regret on purchasing it. It’s really perfect for makeup junkies out there. I could really recommend this product to anyone. It really gives that flawless makeup look.

  • High Quality
  • Latex Free
  • Hypoallergenic
  • Perfect Pear Design
  • Blends easily on face
  • Works Perfectly
  • Perfect Airbrushed Look

  • None
             Thank you for reading my article. Until next time!

Disclaimer: I won the product from the giveaway I joined in instagram. All opinions expressed above are genuine and unbiased. 

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