

                 The sky was dark. I was staying in the four corner room. I hear the crickets shouting for her friends perhaps. The silence is making me deaf. Suddenly, footsteps seem to dominate the sound. Not to mention, my heart beats so fast. Goosebumps suddenly appear.

            As I continue doing stuff, I could smell something fishy on the door. I was about to open when my sister appear. She brought with her the product she was about to introduce. She’s an entrepreneur I tell you. And there I am, being a beauty enthusiast, bought it and now I’m going to review about it.

           The soap is from Thailand. She said her friend delivered it to her for her to sell. Want to hear about this soap? Yes right? Let’s start.

            Since I’m curious on how this soap works, I directly tried it that night. Did you just read that this soap has SPF 50? Yes, you hear it right, SPF 50. Who would not feel out-stand hearing that right? When we saw products in the market, it’s sort of SPF 15 or 25 only. But this one it’s kind of superior, you name it.

             I keep on introducing the soap’s features yet I haven’t given the name. By the way, it’s MILK GLUTA PURE SOAP. It comes with a 70 gram box. I bought it from my sister for about 70 pesos.


            When we talk about the packaging of this product, I find it cute. I hardly understand some of the soap’s text since it’s in Thai writing. The design is really attractive. It comes with polka dots which is color white and blue. There are curvy lines which look like the curtains at the window; so kawaii. 

  Since to see is to believe, here’s how the packaging looks like:

             At the back of the soap’s box, it stated there the product claims in Thai and in English language. It likewise dons there the manufacturing date, expiration date and the grams of the soap. Good thing, you’ll be able to know those details.

           On the side of the box, ingredients are there. The ingredients of the product are as follows: Coconut Oil, Water, Sodium Hydoxide, Etironic Acid, Glutathione, Milk, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. As what you can see, it’s so easy to identify those ingredients since they are common. Unlike other soap’s ingredients that comes with their chemical formulation.

          On the other side, an illustration of a girl before using the soap and after using the soap, I find it entertaining. It’s just so cute.


           The soap bar is in a small rectangle and it comes with transparent cellophane. I find it better that includes cellophane for the soap to feel protected. You don’t have to worry with the dust that perhaps enters the box. It doesn’t affect the soap anyway.

           This is how it looks like:


            The perfect soap is formulated to help skin clean, soft and younger looking.

             One thing that made me think about this soap is that, they included glutathione and milk on the soap yet they haven’t include in the product description that t could lighten the skin. Perhaps, they should add it for this soap to sound more interesting.


            Massage over wet face and body to remove dirt and sweat. Rinse thoroughly, use twice a day.


           I was expecting that the soap will smell like vanilla, but I was wrong. It smells like yoghurt. I don’t like yoghurt and how much more its smell right? But as I continue using it, I then adjust to the smell and adapted to it.


             I cut the soap into halves and good thing it could be easily cut. I find cutting soap will help in saving. Being thrifty, I find it useful.

           As I use the soap, I was happy that it’s not easily melting. Unlike other soaps available in the market, this one is like those hard bars. It easily is bubbling also. I was glad knowing that I could use it for quite a long time.


               At first, I was really excited to use it. Not to mention, I directly use it after I bought it from my sister. After washing my body with the soap, I could feel that my skin is so clean and my skin feels moisturize. Unfortunately, after a while, my skin feels so dry to the point that I could see visible white chalk-like something on my skin when I’m about to write to it. I rinse it thoroughly; I just don’t understand why it resulted that way.

              I continue using the soap for a month. But there was a time when I went to my grandma’s house. My cousins were there; they are doing stuffs. I will not forget that moment when they told me that my skin has darkened. I feel horrible. I don’t know what made my skin look like it. I haven’t used any product on my skin aside from soap and lotion. My skin not even expose to direct sunlight.

             I directly went home and decided to finally stop using the soap. I feel disappointed. I was hoping that the soap could help my skin protect from skin darkening due to its SPF 50, but I was wrong. From then on, the soap and I haven’t met again.





SMELL- 3.5/5


              Though the product didn’t meet my expectations, still I would give this product thumbs up for cleansing my skin. Will I repurchase the product? No. I’m done with the soap. Perhaps, going back to what used to be my favorite is a must.

              Will I recommend it? Yes. Since we have different skin type, what doesn’t fit to me may be compatible to you.

             Have you tried this product also? Share to us your thoughts of the product on the comment section below. For any inquiries about the soap, simply comment also. Thank you for reading and I hope this post helps!


Disclaimer: The product is not sponsored and I used my money to buy it. All opinions expressed above are genuine and unbiased. I love being able to share my experiences with the product to help other consumers in making informed purchasing decisions.  Moreover, we all have different type of skin and the result on me may not be the same as yours.



Pimple is one of the most terrifying things that pop out on our face that could somehow lessen the confidence within us. Whenever we have it, we surely want to just pop it out and hope that it will not come back anymore. It is really a problem when it grows on the face so eliminating it is a big YES. People always look for ways to solve pimple problem. 

Now, let me introduce you to a product which may help you in your pimple needs. The product is QuickFx Pimple Eraser. It is made in Korea. It costs Php 50.00 at Watsons.


Helps dry up pimples, helps diminish and reduce dark spots due to scarring, helps protects skin against the sun. With Glycolic Acid that rejuvenates and evens out, it also cleans pores by removing old and dead skin, exposing healthy skin cells underneath. With Salicylic Acid that helps prevent and treat acne, it also helps clear out blemishes, fine lines and dark spot. With Zinc Oxide that helps control inflammations and relieves the skin against irritation and rash, it also provides superior against the harmful rays of the sun. With Vitamin C that helps protect against UVB rays and can help combat sun damage, it also decreases wrinkles and lightens pigmented skin. With Niacinamide that helps lighten dark spots, it also helps in the treatment of acne. 

This is how the packaging looks like.

Old Packaging: Front 

Old Packaging: Back 

Actually, what I got here is still the old packaging of the QuickFx Pimple Eraser. QuickFx already change the design of their packaging into a new look but since I bought this product before they change the packaging, then it’s reasonable that I still have the old packaging. Anyway, the product on the inside is still the same but the packaging varies. 

It comes in a sachet which has a cap on the side which is a good thing since it is travel friendly. Plus the packaging has quite hard cellophane. The product inside can be easily squeeze out due to its well designed packaging. 

On the front of the packaging, it stated there the product claims and active ingredients. On the back part, it stated there the active ingredients and its uses, directions for use, ingredients, warnings, bar code, manufacturer, manufacturing date and expiration date. 

This is how the product looks like.

It comes with a white color, nothing special like the other pimple eraser. It looks likely a lotion for pimples. 

The product is non sticky when applied to skin. As what I’ve observed, it has a quite foundation finish after applying since the part where I applied the product looks whiter than those which I didn’t. 


I had a breakout last time which made me use this product which I found at Watsons. Based from my experience, this product indeed helped in drying up my pimples, but as what I've noticed, it gradually helps in treating my pimples. It's not a magical product to instantly remove the pimples but it helps little by little. It took me 2 overnight I guess before my pimples totally healed. But I love that there's no dark spot on my skin after my pimples got healed. It also helps in reducing the pimple inflammation.

What I also with the product is that it doesn’t have a harsh smell. 

The thing that I don't like is that, the product doesn’t easily absorb in my skin. It could take about 3-4 minutes before it dries on my skin.


Overall, the product works but in a gradual process. Don't expect that it will heal the pimples in a blink of an eye. I recommend this one to those people who's having trouble with their pimples or breakout plus it's budget friendly as well.

Thanks for reading! 

Have you tried this product? Share us your thoughts in the comment section below.

DISCLAIMER: This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts shared are purely based from my experience. Moreover, we have different skin types, I have combination type of skin, so what works for me, may or may not work for you.


          Hello everyone! It’s a rainy morning here in our place. But I prepared a review for you today on a product which was purchased by my mother last, last week. It’s the BABY BUNDLE BABY LOTION. It’s a product of Red Logo, Lifestyle, Inc.

          I know you think that it’s a baby lotion and why am I supposed to use it? It’s been a very dry seasons the other, other week that it made my skin so dry. I found out that this baby lotion helps in moisturizing and nourishing the skin so I told my mother to give it a try. Later on I will share to you my experience while using this baby lotion.

Price: Php 100
Bought it at: Red Logo

PRODUCT CLAIMS: Treat your baby’s precious skin to this gentle and mild lotion. Specially formulated with Vitamin E to tenderly moisturize and nourish the skin. It’s hypoallergenic and clinically tested.

          What I love about this product is that it’s a baby lotion so if we say baby lotion for sure it’s gentle and mild. It doesn’t give a harsh thing on the skin. It doesn’t contain harsh chemicals that could somewhat make the skin more unpleasing. Plus it has Vitamin which is good in making the skin healthy outside. 

          This is how the packaging looks like.



          The lotion is color yellow. It has a very cute packaging design and has a cute bear at the bottom. There is nothing special with the bottle because as you could see, it’s like the usual bottle with different sticker.

          At the back of the bottle, it stated there the product claims, directions how to use, ingredients, manufacturer, bar code and website of the company. At the bottom part of the bottle, the manufacturing date and expiration date was placed there.

          This is how the lotion looks like.

          The color of the lotion is like the usual color which is white. But there is something special with this lotion because the moment you placed it on the skin, it melts easily. I actually have a fun time sliding the lotion on my skin until everything melts.

          When we talk about the smell of the lotion, it somewhat like smells like what the Jergens lotion. It smells so good and it doesn’t give a harsh smell on the nose. It also has a pleasing smell that could make anyone feel good.

TO USE: Gently massage lotion all over your baby’s body as often as needed. Avoid eye area.

Lotion already applied to skin

          Since the lotion melts on the skin, I could easily apply the product on the skin. It doesn’t give that sticky feeling and I could feel quite cold after applying it. I really feel refreshed after applying such. Plus the lotion easily absorbs the skin.

          Based on my experience, I haven’t encountered any bad reactions after using this product since it’s gentle and mild. I am confident in using this product since aside from its manufacturer is a trusted brand; it’s also hypoallergenic and clinically tested.

          It could really moisturize the skin. Based on my observation there is quite a change on my skin. It’s not so dry anymore and it looks quite healthy already unlike the other weeks.

  • Nice Smell
  • Melts on skin
  • Gives non-sticky feeling
  • Easily applied on skin

  • Not available everywhere; only available at Red Logo outlets

          Would I repurchase it? Probably YES.

     Would I recommend it? YES of course. I really recommend this for mommy’s out there to give Baby Bundle lotion give a try to your babies. It’s really a nice lotion and safe lotion for your baby’s skin.

          Thank you for reading my article! Till next time. God bless!