

          Hello everyone! It’s a rainy morning here in our place. But I prepared a review for you today on a product which was purchased by my mother last, last week. It’s the BABY BUNDLE BABY LOTION. It’s a product of Red Logo, Lifestyle, Inc.

          I know you think that it’s a baby lotion and why am I supposed to use it? It’s been a very dry seasons the other, other week that it made my skin so dry. I found out that this baby lotion helps in moisturizing and nourishing the skin so I told my mother to give it a try. Later on I will share to you my experience while using this baby lotion.

Price: Php 100
Bought it at: Red Logo

PRODUCT CLAIMS: Treat your baby’s precious skin to this gentle and mild lotion. Specially formulated with Vitamin E to tenderly moisturize and nourish the skin. It’s hypoallergenic and clinically tested.

          What I love about this product is that it’s a baby lotion so if we say baby lotion for sure it’s gentle and mild. It doesn’t give a harsh thing on the skin. It doesn’t contain harsh chemicals that could somewhat make the skin more unpleasing. Plus it has Vitamin which is good in making the skin healthy outside. 

          This is how the packaging looks like.



          The lotion is color yellow. It has a very cute packaging design and has a cute bear at the bottom. There is nothing special with the bottle because as you could see, it’s like the usual bottle with different sticker.

          At the back of the bottle, it stated there the product claims, directions how to use, ingredients, manufacturer, bar code and website of the company. At the bottom part of the bottle, the manufacturing date and expiration date was placed there.

          This is how the lotion looks like.

          The color of the lotion is like the usual color which is white. But there is something special with this lotion because the moment you placed it on the skin, it melts easily. I actually have a fun time sliding the lotion on my skin until everything melts.

          When we talk about the smell of the lotion, it somewhat like smells like what the Jergens lotion. It smells so good and it doesn’t give a harsh smell on the nose. It also has a pleasing smell that could make anyone feel good.

TO USE: Gently massage lotion all over your baby’s body as often as needed. Avoid eye area.

Lotion already applied to skin

          Since the lotion melts on the skin, I could easily apply the product on the skin. It doesn’t give that sticky feeling and I could feel quite cold after applying it. I really feel refreshed after applying such. Plus the lotion easily absorbs the skin.

          Based on my experience, I haven’t encountered any bad reactions after using this product since it’s gentle and mild. I am confident in using this product since aside from its manufacturer is a trusted brand; it’s also hypoallergenic and clinically tested.

          It could really moisturize the skin. Based on my observation there is quite a change on my skin. It’s not so dry anymore and it looks quite healthy already unlike the other weeks.

  • Nice Smell
  • Melts on skin
  • Gives non-sticky feeling
  • Easily applied on skin

  • Not available everywhere; only available at Red Logo outlets

          Would I repurchase it? Probably YES.

     Would I recommend it? YES of course. I really recommend this for mommy’s out there to give Baby Bundle lotion give a try to your babies. It’s really a nice lotion and safe lotion for your baby’s skin.

          Thank you for reading my article! Till next time. God bless!

1 comment:

  1. You share more inforamtion it was good. I recently I bought baby lotion from cureka it was too good.


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