

          Planning to conduct a fieldtrip with your students? Good news mentors! I have here list of do’s and don’ts during fieldtrip. These things must be put in mind in order to maintain harmony during the trip. Fieldtrip is really a nice activity since the students will be able to explore things in the real world scenario.

          I have here 26 do’s and don’ts to remember during field trip:

1.       Attendance should be checked prior to departure from the school and from anywhere during the trip thereafter and upon arrival to the school.
2.       There should be a clear command structure within the group.  Participants should follow the directives given by the group leader, and fieldwork supervisor.
3.       Participants should always bring their school identification card before during field trips.
4.       A “buddy system” should be encouraged, or participants are grouped.  Should an accident occur, one person can stay with the casualty while others find help.
5.       As a rule, one faculty should accompany at most 25 students during exposure trips; one staff/supervisor for every 10 students involved in low risk activities.
6.       Participants should strictly follow the work techniques and safety procedures indicated in the field activities.
7.       Participants must not leave working site without informing the fieldwork supervisor.
8.       Report any untoward incident that happens in the fieldwork site to the fieldwork supervisor or any authorized member.
9.       On or near water, participants should wear a life jacket and should not go beyond the working area.
10.   On climbing high places, always wear safety gadgets.
11.   Assign a watcher for struggler's.  Staff/faculty members should be assigned to lead and to be the last person among the participants.
12.   Adequate and protective clothing must be worn by all participants.
a.      Safety helmets where there is a risk of falling objects
b.      Eye/face protection (tools, chemicals, etc.)
c.       Ear plugs (machinery, etc.)
d.      Warm weatherproof clothing for cold/wet conditions
e.       High visibility clothing
f.        Wet suits and life jackets
g.      Apron (risk of splashing)
h.      Gloves (sharp objects, chemicals, cold conditions)
i.        Foot protection (if necessary)
                Protective clothing must be removed carefully, stored, repaired, decontaminated, or disposed of as safely as appropriate.
13.   Bring loads that match one’s capacity.
14.   Preparation areas for food must be kept clean as possible.
15.   Bring adequate supply of potable water.
16.   Participants should not engage in dangerous activities like:
a.      wandering off
b.      drinking alcohols
c.       making provocative remarks about local inhabitants
d.      teasing wild animals
17.   Do not litter.
18.   Always bring first aid kit, survival aids and emergency equipment.
19.   Always keep close communication-must have radios, cellphones, etc.
20.   Refer to map or compass to determine exact location.
21.   When lost, contact members of the groups or fieldwork supervisor for rescue.
22.   Participants should not touch any suspicious objects.
23.   In case of accident, the following should be done:
a.      Confine the damages/injuries.  Send the remainder of the team to a safe place.
b.      Give first aid to the injured person, with minimum number of assisting individuals.
c.       Warn others of other dangers, if necessary.
d.      Report the conditions with those concerned.
24.   Carry required materials and equipment only.
25.   Participants should ask for assistance in using equipment if necessary.
26.   Any malfunctions of the equipment or irregularity in the materials should be reported immediately.

         And that’s it. Thank you for reading my post. I hope you have learned something from it. Fieldtrip is really a fun activity. If you will conduct such, just follow the do’s and don’ts and I can assure you that your fieldtrip will be fun and also safety as it can be.

         Thank you once again and God bless!

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