

             Complying school requirements is so stressful. Burning midnight candles almost all the time to finish all the works before the deadline. It’s a hassle for me since I only have few hours of sleep. Then problems on my eyes are coming in. It becomes tired looking and dark eye bags start to shopw up. It’s a problem for me since I look like a zombie anymore.

             I look for ways. I tried the cutting of cucumbers and placing it on my eyes until the coldness vanished. I find it helpful because it somewhat makes my eyes feel refresh but it doesn’t really whiten the dark eye bags down my eyes. I find it a hassle sometimes when there’s no cucumber left anymore and I have to buy another set of cucumbers for my eyes.

             I have read articles saying that gel eye mask is helpful to bring back the tired-free, puffy-free eyes everyone always wanted. It gives an impact on me knowing that it could help me with the problem I’m in. Plus knowing that the gel mask will be refrigerated and place on the eyes, it might as well lighten my dark circles.

         As I was looking for beauty products in Watsons, I find out that they have a gel eye mask available; WATSONS GEL EYE MASK WOW ME OUT WITH ELASTIC BAND. With a drop of a hat, I bought it at Php 89.50 since I was really excited and I really hope that it could help me with my tired eyes and dark circle problems. 


          This soothing gel mask can be used warm or chilled and is a must for tired, swollen or sore eyes, headaches or nasal congestion.


           For a refreshing treat, place gel mask in the refrigerator for approximately one hour, or in a freezer for 20 minutes. For a more soothing relaxation treatment, immerse gel mask in about 40 degrees Celsius (not boiling) water for approximately 5 minutes. Test the temperature before applying to the face.


           Do not warm this product in boiling water or microwave oven. Do not use on irritated, infected, damaged or broken skin. People with diabetes, circulatory disease, infections, skin disorders, eye injuries etc should consult their doctor before use. For external use only. Do not puncture. If contents come into contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with clean water. Consult a doctor if irritation persists. Keep out of reach of children. Do not swallow the content of the pack.


               The cellophane where the gel eye mask is placed is thick, so the mask is really protected. On the back it stated there the product claims, directions for use, warnings, manufacturer, bar code and where it’s made from. 

            In terms of the gel eye mask itself, I love it since its cut really fits on my eyes. Plus there is an elastic band to hold the gel eye mask on the eyes. It’s a good thing since you don’t have to struggle on placing it on the eyes plus holding it.  

              This is how the product looks like:

             The gel mask is so soft. I get so addicted on pinching it. I can’t help it. Ha-ha!


            I was surprised knowing that the product has many uses just like for tired, swollen or sore eyes and is also good for headaches or nasal congestion which is a good thing. When I first use the product I was really excited since there is a hope that my tired eyes and dark circles will be eliminated. 

          I follow what is instructed on the directions. When I placed it on my eyes, I have that refreshing feeling; it's cold anyway. It’s like I’m on a very conducive place while my gel eye mask is on. The moment the coldness of the gel mask has vanished, I dn’t notice something on my eyes but redness, maybe because of the coldness of the mask.

            On my 1 month of using it twice a week, I somewhat sense a significant change on my eyes. It’s not that tired looking anymore and dark circles are quite reduced. Maybe the vacation also helps because I could sleep enough hours already.

           WATSONS GEL EYE MASK WOW ME OUT WITH ELASTIC BAND is a nice product at affordable price plus it’s durable with proper use. With an affordable price, many things can be solved just like tired eyes, headaches, etc. It’s really a great product plus it’s not disposable just unlike the organic cucumbers. You can always reuse this eye mask.

  • Quality: 4.25/5 
  • Price: 4.5/5 
  • Effectiveness: 3.75/5 
  • Availability: 4.5/5 


            I will probably repurchase when the eye mask that I have is not useable anymore.


          Yes, I would recommend it to those who have problems just like stated above. This Gel Eye Mask can help you if not eliminate, will reduce your problem. Moreover, we have different eye problems (tired eyes, swollen eyes, sore eyes, etc) and what works for me, may or may not work for you.

         Thank you for reading and passing by on my blog. Feel free to come back for my next review. God bless!

Disclaimer: The product is not sponsored and my money is used to buy the product. All opinions expressed above are genuine and unbiased. I love being able to share my experiences with the product to help other consumers in making informed purchasing decisions. 


  1. Thanks for information! It was very helpful. I was looking for something to reduce some of the under eye puffiness.

    1. No worries Tiffany! :) I'm pleased to here that. Try this product, it might help you as well.

  2. How long you should put it in your eyes?

    1. Hello 😊 Actually it depends. For as long as it's cold, let it stay on your eyes. If it's not cold anymore, try to put it in the fridge again.


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